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Japanese Baptist Church of North Texas

​Welcome to JBCNT!

Japanese Baptist Church of North Texas (JBCNT) is a Baptist church located in Dallas, TX USA and is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist General Conference of Texas (BGCT – Texas Baptists), and Dallas Baptist Association (DBA).

Because of our former pastor’s retirement at the end of 2018, we are currently searching for a new Japanese pastor. We have been inviting guest preachers every Sunday in order to continue our Sunday worship. Please check the guest preachers in the latest news.

Our worship service is in Japanese; however, the simultaneous English translation is available for people who don’t speak or understand Japanese.

Our all worship services and meetings are open to everyone. The Christian church is not only for “Christians”. If you just want to learn about the Bible, or are interested in Japanese culture/languages, please don’t hesitate to come by our church. You are always welcome here!

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Photo Apr 01, 11 16 38 AM.jpg

About Us

We are one of the few churches in the Dallas/Fort Worth metropolitan area that worship in Japanese. There is also a simultaneous interpreter for those who do not speak Japanese.

Worship/Assembly Information

In addition to worship and Sunday School (Bible Study sessions), various meetings are held. Non-Christians are welcome to participate.

Music Academy

Yoko Unno, the music director of our church, holds piano lessons and a local Japanese women and children’s class called “Cosmos”.

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